EVENT POSTPONEMENT: Solidarity lunch, Sunday 25 July
Dear ACFS members and friends,
Due to the extension of the Sydney-wide lockdown, the ACFS has postponed our planned lunch event on Sunday 25 July. Although we are disappointed to have to postpone the event, we plan to reschedule a new date for the event when restrictions have been eased.
We will transfer your ticket to the new date once it has been determined. If you are unable to attend the rescheduled event, we will of course provide you with a refund. If you would like a refund regardless of the new date, please let us know by emailing sydneyacfs@gmail.com and we will arrange this for you.
We will update you with more details as soon as we have them! Until then, we hope you are getting through this lockdown and we are looking forward to celebrating with you all on the other side!